
Where does thinking in binaries, paired opposites, originate? You could say it started with the devil, offering the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil (or with God who created the tree). So our binary thinking is a consequence of the Fall. Or you could say it originates in the structure of Nature as we know it, beginning with night and day, or with our orientation in space (up/down, left/right), or with the gender difference.

We're familiar with it in the US (the 2-party system; communism vs. capitalism; various ethnic us vs. thems).

Party loyalty, partisanship : on the one hand, necessary for organizational functioning; on the other hand, the motivation for "ends justify the means" behavior in both thought & deed.

The innovative/mainstream binary offers a kind of protective membrane for struggling writers. But I don't think it's real; it's a mental construct which provides space for partisan games of literary maneuvering. It blocks access to more essential literary elements.

It might be better to imagine poetry as one thing, really; one thing with many facets. To let go the protective membrane of insiders/outsiders. To face experience and literary tradition and the reading public simply, ignorantly (in Wallace Stevens' sense), directly.

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