I want to apologize to my faithful hip-booted blogsloggers for neglecting the important issue in poetics lately : the differing notions of metonymy/metophany held by the School of Fromagitude on the one hand, and the Avant-Gouda on the other hand (or in the other hand, I should say). Considering the avalanche of commentary - a veritable landslide of cheese - which accompanied my last foray into that aromatic arena, I look forward to another big helping of the same.
Now today's lecture will consist of an in-depth consideration of metophany from the perspective of goat cheese aesthetics. Metophany, as we all know (or we all should know, if we have read our Johann Schlimmen carefully, and I mean you, Gertrude, friend of Louise in Scottsdale), as we all know, is a blend of metonymy & catachresis (the rhetorical manuever involving the use of very thin slices of provolone in a frisbee-like mimetic "toss" motion). [More info on catachresis can be found at the Schlimmen memorial website, http://meinminnyminyyminischulekittykittykatistzookute.com] Catachresis is not limited to poetry about the moon, cats, or cheese; far from it! The trope shows up all over the joint, as the old Bogart line has it. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Fromagitude poets (and my comment is not mere fly-swatting, but is based on the statistical work of the Cheez Whiz Commune, a group of avant-gouda poet-statisticians based in Madison, Wissenschaftsconsin) apply catachresis solely in their works about cheese, reflecting a preternatural bias toward established dairy vendors centered in the Chicago trucking distribution poetry scene.
More later : I must run to the kitchen for a moment.
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