
I hope my friendly Reader will forgive all my impatience & irascibility.

Clearly there's no simple or inherent Problem with "the scene" as such. I'm not a Hater.

Reading Nicolaus Cusanus brings to mind certain things. Such as the incomprehensibility & otherness of God. the coincidentia oppositorum. the "Posse ipsum" (the 'to be able' itself, or the Capability). (which reminded me of the Gospel apothegm about "& you will see the Son of Man coming at the right hand of Power").

His idea that the supreme achievement of vision is to see beyond what vision is, in itself, capable of comprehending. Love draws you into the wild over yonder. (Yet he's a great philosopher because he never gives up trying, beautifully, to the very end, to define more accurately, precisely, elegant too.)

I think of the capability of poetry as a kind of symbolic uniting or unison with "whatness-in-itself," because poetry, more than any other discourse, is united with itself. This, I realize, rhymes with some things in Cusanus.

Why am I prating on in this vein? To defend my agonistic attitude toward any established scene whatsoever, I guess, whether independent social network or professional-mandarin establishment. O joy!

I don't fit in, because thought runs too quickly past its stylization? Oh yeah? Also, because I'm an ignorant klutz, and my poems are inedible. Preposterous coincidentia oppositorum.

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