
I've been entering literary contests lately, keeping me busy. You see your writing from another angle.

Interesting article in NY Times science section today about math & origami!!

Some more from Shakespeare's Head. I'm trying to focus my attention to continue this, which I left off a year ago.


There is a struggle toward a common light,
a frame of reference, a shared resolve;
the enterprising covenants revolve
around a painful common sense (of being right).

So they gathered once at Shakespeare's Head
(each head, each pair of eyes a theatre,
a globe) to try each phrase – each character
puffed out and flowering in air, a wingèd

moth or butterfly (conjectural, extemporal,
provisional). From dialectical balancing,
an expensive delicate set of riggings
begins to whistle in the distance, rise

and fall, as if breathing on the morning sea;
and the mast answers – tall, tree-like, fatherly.


Orpheus knows the moody marsh he mirrors
is only his own (splintered from flocks of errors).

And Hobo, with his rusty O-ring, rows
into marginal shallows, among rustling
reeds. Length of arm is the beginning
of native estrangement – so it goes on

reaching, into infinity (anonymous,
primordial, a someone) – still selfward,
like a hobo's law of identity (A = DUD).
Like the thingness of things – various,

ephemeral, enormous. Like the ring
itself, gleaming dully in dun-colored
palm. Heaven-earth tethered there,
polar, in steadfast silver – breathing.


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