
The weather has been lovely in Grand Fenwick this season. Golden leaves drifting over the fragrant blogs, the scent of odors, the odor of scents... Poet, journalist, avocado, & true Fenwickian Bon-Bon Billiman has jetted his sprightly communiques on a regular basis for the hectorization of yeoman & yo-yo-woman alike, both here at home & hither & yon (our neighbor Gee-Whee McPhilterffed told me yesterday that there are indeed seven separate nations to the east of Fenwick, beyond the Widget Mountains! This is news to me!). Lately Bob-Bon has taken to expatiating on the grand vastness of poetic production in the world these days; he uses a special method which he himself devised (while fishing for squealers last June in Bloggy Pond) to sort incoming male & female poetries into 1700 categories, starting with Readable & ending with Unreadable. We wish Bob-Bon all the best with this new venture! He has often complained (in good-naturely Fenwickian fashion, of course) of the lack of public attention given to Small Press Poetries, of the general lackadaisickal quality of the School of Soporificism, and other hobby horses which, truth to tell, only he can explain apodictically. (Now if you know what that word means, you are probably a visitor with us! Welcome to Grand Fenwick! Here you will find lots of people who love to talk about poetry!)

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