

The quiet moss-green image of Sassetta.
Aquinas (black hole) kneels before the altar.
Background of cloister-garden, library...
forsaken stage-set now (only a metaphor).

Aquinas tempered Aristotle, Augustine.
Sassetta memorized antique (pre-plague)
Siena. Emblem of a dream, vague
microcosm (innocent, pristine).

A tiny dove aligned with Jesus-crucified
transfixes him (his body like a train
or veil of thought, beneath brain
impaled by hummingbird).


Hobo rambles through America, surrenders
passport, loses wallet, sheds identity.
Ends up in hospital in San José,
mopping with crayon. Sees

vision of Madonna (open-handed,
mesmerized). Nature is feminine
and Wisdom in the streets, O Solomon;
the dove
(ungraspable) is Understanding.

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