
Crossing the Rubicon, again...


The river across the street still flows
under thickening ice, ceaseless.
Its lesser tributaries
(Minnesota, Minnehaha) also

persist – all of them subsiding
into Ocean River
finally (only a quiver
rippling Time).  Julius is sliding

a handkerchief across his brow
in 49 B.C.
The die is cast, sez he.
Yokels on Rubicon blow

tubas now – let War decide.
World empire in his grip,
peace is ordained.  Slip
the noose over each parricide

(Brutus, Absalom); the father’s
kingdom will be certified,
et ratified, in blood.
Shadow of a kingfisher

rotating in graffiti’d alcove.
Boethius & father
(Symmachus) share
fort et dur... Ravenna love-

keen (after bronze millennium).
Time’s universal –
history’s rehearsal
for a mangy star-profundum


deeper in the soul o’man
than Solomon arrayed
or Emperor betrayed.
An agate, tossed in Jordan

sand.  Halcyon day (of almond
shade, & waterfall).
Life’s good, is all –
big benison de tout l’monde.

Reaches through the harvest of
your Martian scythe, O
Death, to something more –
the milky Rio of the Blest.

It is Beyond.  It’s over yonder.
Everywoman’s Eridanos,
Poe’s Eureka.  Moses
glimpsed it in his heart’s far

island (yours, mine) – soul
liberty’s Belle Isle –
Eternity (only
a smile from here).  Glows, whole.

There were 4 rivers flowing
out of Eden, toward
House of 4 Pines (word
lost on the wind).  All knowing

& loving, all doing & being
gathered in a khipu
knot... arc of yew
over limestone grave (one spring).


Minnehaha Falls

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