
the plain senselessness of men


Poverty is the best education.
Lady Poverty
& sister Poetry
are twins – identify with a long line

of holy fools, primitive peoples
punished into meekness
by most extreme duress.
Fort et dur (judicial phase).

Abe Lincoln with his Choctaw cheekbones,
Black Elk, Roger Williams,
William Blackstone... hymns
in the wilderness (breeched from stones)

float toward a gray middle ground
of sky.  Shy of names –
since the herm what frames
this Percy-dervish meadow-go-round

of constellations... only Manitou
will do (for some).  Great
Spirit.  Big Wind.  A late
night pathos, sifting through

cottonwood, magnolia.
Only the geometer
of beatitude & bitter
pain.  Familiar Maximus-Bertha

who rises (bulbous) from the plain
senselessness of men
like airy turtle-dove
machine – kind, moderate... humane.


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