
Evocative river

                                    Eternity, O Eternity!  That is our business.

Evocative river, measuring
my time.  If I follow
upstream, to the shallow
infant burble of your beginning

– that rush of spring across bright
limestone, agate, flint –
I might catch a glint
of prism-diamond, rainbow sunlight

out of the meteor from whence
we flew.  I studied greatness
as a bookworm boy; was
wowed by those Prince Valiants

& Teddy Heroes who prevail
(magnanimous & brave)
in moldy Grendel-cave
& gory field (at bookshelf scale);

but not until childhood had passed
did someone jump from stone
canoe, whose doings shone
so implicate with goodness (massed

coordinate with commonweal)
as to rekindle in my mind
each uncreated end
within this flow, earthbound & actual –

as in an icon of the central soul.
Heart-pivot of earth-
planet – integral hearth –
blazing spark in a great oak-bole


of clay spheres darting from the fiery
kiln (original
Joie, ineffable).
Star of perfection (seal of history).

Heroes in graven books (sustained
by hungry scrivener-ravens).
Yet the remotest heaven’s
slope will be surveyed, garnered, gleaned

by unknown compadres (anonymous,
unheralded).  Servants
beyond themselves – tense
strings, bowed into major chords.

Two things of opposite nature seem
to depend on one another...
the bond of troth, of lover
& belov’d.  Roger’s granite door-beam

on the hillside sinks back into dusky
Rhodus billows.  Nigh
the steadfast stream, two shy
ephebes lay out a picnic blanky;

an early butterfly, black-gold,
skims toward the shore. 
You have hearkened to lore
of skalds who came before – old

poets’ conversation, overheard;
now the river moves
in your own heart – Love’s
glittering pulse, encouraging word.


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