
each poem starts fresh


Soft breeze moves the cucumber leaves
climbing the fine mesh.
Each poem starts fresh
upon a labyrinth the wind conceives

the way Dante struggled like a goat
to rise above the black-
white chessboard (epileptic
knight, squirming from Hell’s dank moat

toward one firefly-mote of light).
O civil wars of cousin
wolves!  Striving in frozen
latitudes of predatory fright-

might, ice-blue treason – all
spite-pirates of the broken
sheep of state – forsaken-
&-forsaking sacrifice!  Ravel

me then, Ariadne, in your primordial
& woolen salience
of J... into the silence
of a pregnant Jubilee, where Piero’s wall

glows in the morning light (& swells
a womb within a cave).
Search the high nave
of the Milky Way – Francesca dwells

up there (with Jenny Littletree) – among
the Shaker Indians, Quakers –
meek paisans, peacemakers –
fused by trompette marine of song.


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