
all caw-caw raven now


The fire in the hearth of heaven & earth
is a quipu-knot of flame.
& she plainly a gamin
hide-&-seek – May den o’ pent-up mirth?

Jonah Noddy Ark? – in the canoe
all caw-caw raven, now?
No way.  Anyhow,
Hobo followed her, down by the slough –

down by the Mississippi, see.
Henry’s late hideaway,
in salty snow.  Say,
Osseo, if yuh know – why done the sea

surge through them limestone banks
outem prehistory?
For water tower, maybe?
Could be.  Manitou-Give-Thanks

stood up to Minna-Tor – locks in
him cowrie-eye – him
fastens agate rim
(candled Ferrara hexagon).

You lose the thread... but it can
hear you.  It co-hear.
Her lip sweeps very near
your ear.  One sad revolution

           *              *

vaults the lead-yewn atmosphere
into a convolution
of suspended animation
(catenary star... a Feininger

prismato-chanticleer).  Agnes
would understudy.  Martian
cross rude centurion
snores through Easter-eggness

of yewnevaverse... dream-songe,
Apollinaris.  She
your crash (& Povertà).
We lifted nothing halfen so strange

as vinegar & gall a pain a spear
up to him lip... who, Mona?
Uncle Djinn?  A tuna
fork.  Ev’rychile skip scotch, here.

It OK if you messed up the lacture.
Alethea in the hoax tree
won the spelling bee
(“hollow” begin w’ H – sure).

& the earth was specifically grave as
death, salt... & Henry
Rustypin.  Ternity,
O Ternity! – that our bi’ness...

It a personal store.  Your steel soul
yearn for light, like a clam
pine for raven-shiv... Am
brother Sundial, sister Maryknoll.


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