
unfurling Providence


Pythagoras & Aristotle
felt both stars & sun
move (by persuasion
of love) around the atlatl

of the Pole – slow sarabande
of heart’s desire (my soul
pines for your solo Yule
just so, trompette marine).  &

though we scoff now, Harry,
your wedding dance is just
a veiled illusion – dust
on cosmic rewind, arbitrary –

yet those ripples on the strand
projecting gracefully
sound waves of sea
through particles of sand

put me in mind of relativity,
so that behind this mesh
of silken crossweave rush
soft murmurs (hush little baby,

don’t you cry)...  & a kind face
beyond divisibility
windy invisibility
ghostly ellipse of human race

gathers in gravity & mass
like a cloud-pebble
or magnified Hubble-
infinitesimal, lifted by windlass


into a masque of morning glory
from the outer darkness
with a rose compass
to inward salience (galactic story

of grave milky equilibrium
outlasting mirror-war
of swollen Minotaur
to bind the wounds with honey-balm).

The Earth’s unfurling Providence.
Slow-forming pearl
beneath the gray whorl
of a clay-worn shell – immense

agate of Agape, threaded
with light gold fleece
around a centerpiece
of Paradise (salt bread

& wine out of a stone casket).
Indomitable almond
branch, a blooming wand
cut for a lilac shoot, whose trumpet-

vine leans like a flinty mule
against vain headwinds
to Pacific ends –
vast azure of a wingspan’s rule,

bright Gate of international
ange d’or (meek door
for lambs, forevermore).
So sighs your shell, antiphonal.


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