
matrix of the capital


Charles L’Enfant painted a watercolor
panorama, 14 inches
by 7 feet long, which shows
the Continental Army by the Hudson River

at Verplanck’s Point (1782).
Its curator (Phil Mead)
once noticed what appeared
to be a mini-tepee notched in view –

looking vaguely familiar...
why?  That very canvas
tent (George Washington’s)
was standing in a nearby corner

of his own museum.  From tiny sketches
mighty plants may grow –
L’Enfant would later sow
the plans for D.C.’s marble stretches

(George’s tent of meeting thus
the matrix of the capital).
We are all infants, after all.
Whence comes this rolling wondrous

theatre in the round?  Each regiment
on the accompanying chart
plays its own part –
a seahorse anchor figuring Rhode Island

(Providence for African, Native 
American recruits).
Even Okean has roots –
one sign given, that we might live


like Jonah (which means turtledove)
descending, by enormous
& galactic routes
from lambent & egalitarian beehive

on high – the very cosmopolitan
& chaste kingdom of God –
chaste, as out of Novgorod
by way of Osip (Mandelstamian)...

Each local soul circles toward Providence
as moth toward firelight.
Only fly right
into the center of her blazing salience –

you’ll see the laws of city & country
meld to conformity
with that great mutuality
Martin proclaimed – God’s wakan charity.


This lonely river-path of Hobo
down the sky’s time-lapse
touches a key, perhaps.
His mother’s clay is rolling, so;

out of that gray whale’s brow of sadness
flows a solidarity
escried by Raven – see?
Au mer... À Mère I caw (southwest,

southwest)... Cautantowwit, or Noah’s
pilot, feeding crumbs...
deep distant drums
of Thunderbird.  Silence (Cahokia’s).


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