
to Nathan Phillips

                                    to Nathan Phillips

The Mirror Lakes in Mendelssohn
were smooth & clear – were
mirrors of the weather,
mirrors of each other (twins).

Your mind’s a mirror too (cloudy
today, with intimations
of its limitations).
Looming earth, a child’s infinity...

In his mandorla of Ferrara
Giorgio hooked the canoe
against a garage wall (you
remember, Micòl?).  Observe, selah

its simple elegance & rightness.
Mirror of itself –
bowstring of Guelf
& Ghibelline.  O blessed senselessness!

I surmise the one you call Jesus Nazir
arose not in hothouse of fear
but a rural atmosphere –
full of parabolic melodies, limpid, near.

The Son of Man... the Son of Man...
not him, but you – & you...
like Hagia Sophia in a crew
of galley slaves.  Their submarine plan

winks from searchlight eyes – their fleece
the gold thread of Ariadne,
knotted in Rhode Island
Black Ships (ocean’s milky matrix


poured from ineffable Promised Land).
In Siena, insouciant Pax
lounges by sober Justice
in the fresco of Good Government (hand

of Ambrogio).  That thread from beyond
exotic Trebizond
plummets, au fond
to Minotaur’s despair – demented Roy

Dumonde; yet we are gathered up
into another summa
body – solidarità
of Love’s affectionate grail-cup.

It was not price nor money could have
purchased Rhode Island;
Rhode Island was purchased
by love.  So step into the rawhide nave

of Nathan Phillips’ Wakan Tanka
Spirit beyond each sullen
pond of identification.
Spring winds the rust of iron rancor

into another, more spacious America –
florid green habitat
of Uncle Weaver Rabbit,
Auntie Corn Gatherer (limestone Columbia).

That mud-brown mirror harbors hidden
depths.  & yet she’ll float –
Nile-Isis, river-mote –
your eye-in-hand (nearby, Cahokian).


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