
etched in vernacular


Dante’s rambles round the tamarack swamps
outside Ravenna.  Beached
hulks of Byzantium reach
toward the sea.  Inside, smoke-lamps

phosphoresce hieratic grandeur
(kind bovine gaze of Empress,
Emperor).  Alighieri’s
impressed – ecco l’ora serale

in those green sheepfold meadows
where Time does not run.
He pursues his martyrion
Crusader grandfather, circle of Mars.

He etches in vernacular his answer
out of deep parish history
to the welded Roman panoply
(Arcadian melody, Virgilian whisper).

I am a scribe who when Love speaks
hastens after, hearkening
noting everything down.
I haven’t heard from Bea in weeks.

I remember lips set with a grim reproof.
Down at the borderland
(Texas to Samarkand) –
Coatlicue, Tezcalipoca... beetling roof

of squalling Raven years.  Esta
su iglesia, Henrique?
She’ll be coming like Elijah,
not Europa, now (beehive witness).


woodcut by Mary Ravlin Gould

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