
upon St. Swithin's Day


‘Tis hot & muggy in the octagon
upon St. Swithin’s Day.
& will it rain?  Say.
St. Emperor Henry’s (Holy Roman)

also, once upon a time.  It’s stifling.
An unreal toad usurps
the garden throne, & burps.
His orange tongue is mean, & trifling;

his fire-red refuge-chair is for a child
who hasn’t come home
in 33 years.  Christendom
conquered the Holy Sepulchre... wild

slaughter & rejoicing on this day,
1099.  But will his Ghost
lift from that gloomy host?
Joachim daubs a fingerpaint contrary

blindly, with bare feet (a cave-fresco
for San Francisco).  & Henry
plots his own obscure & minatory
figure : double wheels.  Of milky glow

& river-clay – Cahokia, North Star.
To turn the Great Year
5 29s... & spin from here
some monarch milk (a little almond to restore).


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