
the stubborn Acmeist


The way a stream flows around a piece of granite
rough gray in the water, winking
with rose quartz, mica (splintering).
So the stubborn Acmeist would honor that

which is, that which exists.  & Osip
would agree with Oscar Cullmann
as to the meaning of Redemption –
it’s already happened.  So right worship

is a thing of joy – ample gratitude
for being, & the hope
of Restoration (its full scope
a celebration, braiding bread & wine).  You’d

barely sense the almost-infinitely distant
echoes of a first Thanksgiving...
everyone hoisting something
to that scrawny picnic table (ancient

light).  So as we J-stroke forward
let’s return to New Orleans
with B. Latrobe, who kens
the old French buildings there (mired

in mosquito nets & drainage swamps);
where he will follow his own son
to his malarial grave (one
body, bread & wine).  Under yellow lamps

like fireflies in the harbor (swaying,
soaring).  Scintillant mosaic
for one lugubrious Republic
(hopeful, Creole).  Clay American thing.


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