
translated to an island


Constitution Day.  Coke’s legacy,
translated to an island rose –
mother & nurse of repose
on the throne of Imago Dei – si?

Your lambswool, Giuliana – moss-green
through the red-dust desert.
Alighieri’s tomb, in quiet
(such as lie, smothered in grass, by San

Vitale).  Twin peacocks, maybe –
between two almond trees?
In the Ferrara freeze
(Micòl shivering in her garage)... see?

Your solar emblems not for me,
Ezra.  Marble from Ravenna
swiped for Rimini, & gloria
the simple immanence of meek Marie

shunned like a ghetto-child.  & so
the merry-go-round of sacrifice
creaks back to 1913, Paris...
Ugo, Parisina, burnt to ash once more

for the war to end all wars (before
the end).  A rust-bronze Penny
blackens backward, in Gehenna –
from dim crossroad will she soar

like diamond Southern Cross.  She is
lips’ ghost dance ring-
around-the-rosy... clear spring
Pax-water (your West Branch Isis).


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