
Cordelia in the wasps' nest


In the car coming back from the memory unit
I catch the tail end of Mahler’s 9th
the slow slow strings’ fading strength
bent like snarly willow limbs into some resonant

sweet culmination (ancient Mendelssohn
elegy in mind).  Autumn’s
rust-blood golden sun’s
quintessence now, O silent one?

Cordelia in the wasps’ nest, at the axis
of the earth... Lear, trembling
like an oak gall wasp – bleeding,
stung by the crypt-keeper (Euderus

Set).  The wasp within the wasp, Osip –
Shakespeare’s quaint acorn-
crown of happiness (shorn
pharmakon).  & shalt thou drink my cup?

The box-within-a-box, the matryoshka
toy?  Like bloody JFK
in Dallas, on a Friday –
Jackie’s pink tiara (autumn leaf regalia)...

The river of violin sound measures time
to its serene delta, my friend.
& the tree (Hagia Sophia with a million
eyes) harbors the wind like a nursery dome –

you hear the sound of it (that waterfall
through twin cities, Berryman)
but you know not whence (my son)
it comes (oak’s Galla rite, imperial).


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