
Hamlet in the death-canoe


The dreamer, mapping a circling cosmos
of milk & honey, starlight
& sweet fire... like Brightman’s
integral Person – with tables of Moses

in their cedary bark of mutual promise
lending salty substance
to halting hesitance
of reason (while the heart says yes).

The dreamer assembles the disparate realms
into crescendo-tango.
Hamlet in the death-canoe,
precipitous peripeteia – helm’s

Charon-pilot, planting the scarlet wax
of his father’s dread seal
for a doom they must feel
anon (political axe prickling their necks).

The tables of the covenant
written on our hearts –
sine-waves where channel parts,
Osiris-Jonah reassembled (US to haunt).

Old Ironsides, your canny constitution
oxidizes under termite siege.
The man of lawlessness will wage
perverse destruction like a weathervane

cut loose... yet that rust-bound ship
still bends toward Providence –
native Thanksgiving-sense,
red-corn grasshop (at clipper clip).


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