
Thunderbird already there


Late October evening.  Minnesota.
The sky already blue-black,
midnight blue.  Dim speck
of starshine, here & there.  The Hiawatha

sped from Chicago north, May 29
(1935).  Heavy freight train
hobbling across the iron
span, now – screeching, chirping (mine).

Peto, Reminiscences of 1865.
Those mystic chords of memory...
someone to end the enmity
with eloquence (while he was still alive,

and after).  Summon our humanity
into the web of mutuality
where rootless irrationality
might lose its sway (so hope we).

These chords align their intervals,
octagonal resemblances.
Out of a salty sibilance,
an ocean-sigh (when sea-bell tolls) –

one heave of molten planetary heart
whose Jonah waits, to rise again
out of the chambers of Leviathan
coiling a spring where all the rivers start.

The prehistoric limestone streams
ply on ply, like Schifanoia
allegories in Ferrara –
irenic fossilized life-forms


of some St. Vitus dance, before all wars;
here a spiral clover-shell
& here an almond eye
gazing from hell up to those stars

with a perennial fidelity.
Maybe it was your canoe,
Micòl – breaching anew
through stinging surf of grief & joy;

for that amor who is always in advance,
arriving before you know
like an eye-in-hand, so –
molded like your clay flute-radiance,

the little bird who sings out of the kiln.
Coulombe, coulombe,
she coos her name –
so simple, waiting at the windowsill;

out of the fire & burning palms
like Phoenix from her tomb
a new America (coulombe,
coulombe) this livid grail exhumes –

ghost dance of the dove who came before
of Thunderbird-already-there
through the black night air
from the dancing bear – shady amor

framing with shimmering wave-wings
milky Melchizedek
& bright ginger Jack
& gentle Abraham (grail-splicing springs).


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