
in the days of Ivan the Terrible


In the days of Ivan the Terrible
Sultan fought Emperor
& culture fought culture.
Faith was fervor, & power, trouble.

Lately we don’t have that problem.
Everyone agrees the state
is not about the potentate
& not about God.  It is a system.

It is a system of checks & balances
blah blah yes yes… but where,
where is the heart?  It’s there,
Hieronymo Geronimo (maybe in Providence).

I remember that whiff of salt air
off the silhouette of Roger.
A flow from Berkeley’s wager…
how Jonah might be the universal tar.

Each one of us within that law
equal as feather of Maat
or smoke of Cautantowwit
(bright sunset glow of wonder & awe).

Henry Hurricane sleeps in his dream
somewhere in Minneapolis.
Maybe taking a piss
in a treepot, on Nicollet (off the beam).

His circus is circumference.
& maybe we are Hagia
Sophia with a million
aye.  Aye-aye, captain.  Silentium.


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