
plague stalks the King


When the great cities are covered in grass
& nomads return, to forage & hunt
will they remember President Blunt
who saved them from civilization?  Alas!

President Blunt is anonymous too
his towers demolished
where servants once polished
his golden doorknobs, his superb statue.

What happened?  A corona followed him home
from the golf course, one day…
did his nation betray.  Now
his dogie named Money no longer will roam.

Plague stalks the King, going blind
as of old.  Old Oedipus
(our homo sapiens rebus) must
die for the herd (driven into the blind)

& civilization, our slave-driving hub
must await the next trickster
to merge at the mixer
& shatter the wiles of absurd Beelzebub.

Thus time-gravity, suffused with vertigo
informs our animale compagnevole
how pride goeth before a fall.
The voice you heard (long time ago)

out of the cave, whispering low
was your own ghost, human.
Soft-yodeling Robin, on
pin oak branch (before Cahokia).


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