
down around Kay-Rho


Prince Henry Hal, like a latter-day Latrobe
went surveying his great property
in swamps – following Path P
down around Kay-Rho, mapping his globe.

& he was most lost.  Loster than lost.
His sidekick Hobo sighed.  Said –
this palm at the end of your mind
holds an eye that glows, a wave-tossed

moon.  Pearl, embossed with diamond
& rubyemeralds for eyelashes.
There, where kingfisher splashes
a quatrefoil rose window, set in almonds.

Notre Dame burned down today, Hobo.
The blaze destroyed the spire,
almost the whole… – F’ sho.  Fire
will do that.  But there’s another one, y’know.

We already passed that house.  Down MLK
Way, on Black Elk Boulevard
(in Buffalo).  Look hard,
Henryyou’ll see him sign the X-tree

with his fingermark the six trails
like a phosphor Southern Cross.
His medicine mends every loss
’twas his last full measure split the rails

like lightning.  Now the brave who give
their lives to heal the sick
come to his green clover salt-lick
circle the hearth-fire – bright, contemplative.


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