
On Saturday morning I had an odd premonition, thinking "They're going to find Saddam before Christmas." Turns out they were finding him at the time.

Here's some semi-doggerel formality, from Way Stations, on the general theme of falling kings:

         Ballade Royale

"The enemy is seething at the gates
and all our stratagems so sorely tried
have surely failed, and rebels – ingrates! –
spit at us, and slink away, deep-dyed
in treachery." So courtiers sighed
and muttered dreadful news, in sheer
despair. The king was full of foolish pride.
All eyes filled with dismay – each heart with fear.

"Let's go unto the king – it's not too late,
perhaps..." So down stone corridors they glide
sharing the doom-filled business of the state,
to find their king... lolling, side by side
with his luxurious and mocking bride.
His eyes feign drowsiness as they draw near.
He snores – or mumbles something crass and snide.
All eyes filled with dismay – each heart with fear.

The great king disentangled from his mate
and leaning on one elbow hoarsely cried –
"Bring me my harp, O cowards that I hate!"
The instrument appeared. His fingers plied,
and with his long arm's curve struck, chord
on chord, such harmonies! – so sweet, so clear,
his servants melted... floated on a cloud...
All eyes filled with dismay – each heart with fear.

"Miserable souls – your anguish I deride!
When I am gone to rest – upon my bier –
you'll curse your God I ever lived – or died!"
All eyes filled with dismay – each heart with fear.

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