
Fontegaia moves on...


A tiny hunchback snail
inches forward, cased
in a spiral spinal house.
A full retreat, and final.

Simple curve, mushroom
cap, camouflaged ravine
of rugged oak. Hidden in
eye-plane, like throaty gloom

of turtle dove (grey
breast against gray evening
stone). Gradual leavening
of steady rain. Bend in the sky.

Rustle of Indian foot in forest.
Breeze, or winding flute-path.
Blurred cascade or purple casket-
flower; spectrum-honeycomb (at rest).

The bow drawn taut, a beaded
level creaks in rain. Almond
houseboat croons -
crowns - swoons (ceded

to sword). A unison
of ewe and eye, oui, one Friday
- all in a pre-dawn naval play,
a little ark of lincoln-logos. Done.

And carried on her back, a moon
gone down. Beneath the earth.
Emancipation lips come forth,
sing like humpback whale, soon, soon.

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