
all across Minneapolis


All across Minneapolis
the poet’s left evidence
like tracks under a fence
– long fellow’s footprints –

Nana Bozo the Clown, or
Hiawatha in slippers
(snowshoes, Alberta
clippers).  Fella came before,

might hop here again (ghost
dance, dream song).
Sunday stretched so long.
He was with us in the Lammas-host

like lambchild in the field,
a white cloud drifting
bluegrass... otskèn:rha, sifting
right from wrong (at Lammas-tide).

Bozo Lambrogio breaks up
the woolly categories
of our feral cats – Caesar’s
imbroglios, lions of Judah, Egyptian

pups... will skip the rabbi-path
out of the lake of wrath
back into Nazareth
by August 1st (we’ll do the math

later).  Yolk-black Fabergé cracks
in the snow... imperial
theocracies unreel; almond
Vierge Ouvrante gives berth.  Relax.


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