
chaired in the adamant of time


Everything known beforehand, O
my prophetic soul
fate of gray pebble,
unknown soldier.  Black Sea, Argo...

those towering fig trees outside
the Sydney Observatory.
& inside, the orrery
projecting Southern Cross as diamond

(4-dimensional octahedron, or
great acorn of light).
A blue-green planet,
turquoise, emerald – your

dream-song door (hinge balanced
on a level’s golden eye).
Heirship of carpenter’s high-
beam ballet... tightrope (entranced).

A figurehead, chaired in the adamant
of Time.  Isis in Ohio,
Iowa... your Clover, so
low.  Lift her out of the slough, St.

Joan – lift her out of the grave.
A salience in St. Louis –
upturned canoe... Jessie
Ophelia, mickle gateway (moon-wave).

Behold, a child is born, Virgin
appears from heaven again;
my iron age turns golden
monarch, winged flower (human).


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