
like a phantom of spring


Slouched on the couch, Hobo is
near the shortest day.
Earth’s winter way,
making her rounds – stoic old Miz.

The river like a froze French drain
her Via Francigena makes
past dirt-bent snakes
of old St. Lou.  Where Jackson

Quick, somehow, came from – pilot
on Yankee hospital ship, 1863 –
late father of Jessie
O. (caught fever, like as not).

Full fathom five, Jessie, thy father.
Like Jenny’s mother, too,
huh?  Little tree (cedar
or yew).  See my ghost dance gather.

The natural round is in the clay
& waiting for that Last Day
each grieving soul will say
O help me turn another way.

This lambent presence in the window
like a phantom of spring.
Persephone, in a ring-
dance, leapt over the fire, so –

lifted by droning hum of living
& dead, out of clay
wheel, through the Gateway –
wave-crest prow, loafer’s Thanksgiving.


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