
your barbecue of fibs


& how could that heart-shaken man
(Jay Berryman-Osiris) dive
from a bridge, the eve
after Epiphany?  Say, Jack Ravlin –

Granddad – 3 blocks from your house?
& on your birthday?
How?  Evil holds sway
as dream molts into parody (inverse

remorse, or nightmare fallacy).
Estrangement reigns
when Minotaur maintains
the lie that makes untruth reality.

Demonic hatred be the coin of death.
The grass stuffed in the mouth
was greed gone south
coffered Osiris longing for mere breath.

That auctioned ship, Old Ironsides
the Constitution of a rifled
dream – must she be stifled
by unruly piracy?  The manger hides

her refugees in the hull of your ribs,
old mothership.  Your heart
where 13 adders start
is like Coatlicue – your barbecue of fibs

is just begun.  Your John Paul Jonah
swings his wordy covenant
over his head (adamant
evening, stony crossroad... hallelujah).


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