
at the end of summa


These heart-shaped leaves of the cottonwood –
yellow-black memories,
your excavated face
from the dark archive of branded blood.

Leavings from an old mosaic, my Psyche;
yearnings you magnetized
like a Tombs Angel surprised
me from despair – desire molting to fiery

grace.  Loose, unloose these cords,
sister Cordelia –
churnagogue Jonah,
heart’s winepress of happy candle-words.

I hear hands clap together
this little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine...
through the funhouse mirror

mend you ways, O Minotaur
sacre du printemps
bête pour FIN DU TEMPS
so you may stand with sisters

brothers   in the great congregation
at the end of summa
when the threads draw
taut (1132)   Rabbi, Rab Ravelin

sursum corda   my clay Columbia
as out of the flaming kiln
the milky waters spill
& your glad-sparrow brother sighs   selah


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