
my Bruegel panorama


The little gold galleys of the butternut
navigate through autumn air.
My Bruegel panorama
of proverbial bird-wit is fading out.

The motherland calls Hobo.  Every leaf
a chaste canoe... Rus, Rus.
The enemy be us,
pugnacious Pogo cries – war is grief

between brothers.  Apollinaire
drifts in gray whiffs
of wistfulness... his skiff’s
more tangled up with Minotaur

than was before, sighs Psyche-
Ariadne.  That graybeard
on Ravenna guard
surrounded by gray paint-debris –

he might be me.  Ocean is gray
as wing of turtledove today.
Way in the middle of the air
Ezekiel saw them wheels a’glory

Louis sang (on path LP
somewhere in Tuscany).
Leonardo da Vinci
drew Vitruvian Man like a Kali

on a microcosmic wheel of fire –
he was such a star!
& in the Last Supper
Judas & Jesus in sfumato-mirror


reach together across girlish Jean –
or do they reach for her?
Shocked faces of the men –
is it betrayal, or espousal sign?

Some knot of gravitational waves
whorls into matrix-vortex.
Beloved spindrift Rex
emergent from that sea of graves –

a eucharist or mystical body
encircled by a palm
inscrutable as that helm
of Jonah, breaching the cloudy

surf of Ocean River – O font
of soul-transfigurement!
So rooted in the fundament
we rise as citizens of Turtle-Tent

when the Eternal comes, & we
are summoned to a wedding-
feast.  Melodious syrinx
of Orpheus-Nazir... blithe epi-

thalamium from sparkle-profundum.
Wrath of Kali-Coatlicue-
Moloch subsides away
& Leonardo frames his simulacrum

of one vernal smile... Mona Lisa
bubbly as Virgin
on the Rocks.  Come in,
she says; God’s blessing in persona.


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