
on six directions


I will not rival Dante’s double
spiral (from depth of Hell
to heart of Love) but spell
a complementary bubble-

rêve, mapped on the horizontal.
Infernos of damnation,
sparks of elation
harbor here – my guide no Virgil,

only turtle-speed Hobo;
not Beatrice now
but one blithe ocean-dew
rainbow (her smiling Jonah-brow).

Like that mercurial Micòl in Ferrara
she lights my imagination
with X-S creation,
aslant from Providence to Frisco –

a river, crossing at the Gateway Arch
like some switchback, Pawnee
Missouri – molding a key-
stone at Cahokia (ten fingers’ kiln-torch).

Where slowly, slowly, the potter’s wheel
with shaping eye-in-hand
rotates the whole land
counter-clockwise – churns against the keel;

casting her clay cup on six directions
like Black Elk diamond –
firing her mandala-almond
amid each human hearth-rose (Hobo reckons).


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