
Philadephia harbor


Stewart’s old print of Philadelphia harbor
(1821).  The great shade tree
by the shore, so peacefully
imposing.  What’s America for?

The benign bonheur, hovering over
our intricate pursuits
of same.  The one who loots
forcefields of dominance, mon frรจre,

may never find this canopy
of feathery leaf-
grace, hopeful belief...
for we the people brook no satrapy –

relentless justice of the golden rule
the frame of human dignity;
law’s equilibrium of equity
our guarantee of commonweal.

My own boat pilots back to Mendelssohn
so slowly, through such vast
flat riverlands.  Her mast
a pine tree split from almond Someone

cloudy shadow of a smile (O shady oak).
Your heavy clay, Coatlicue –
the chilly violence you
still portray – fired to a silver spoke

as fine as spiderweb, becomes a sign.
Your limestone epitaph –
a serpentine & fractal staff
fractured for us, broken for bread & wine.


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