
Add it to the quaint & curious volume


The spectre of a raven, carved
in ink above the dusty
door, the door to an abyss
beyond the evening river

Nile.  Rehearsing my remorse
once more... so toss
Einstein to 529 (Lorenz
aggression-transform) – on course

toward decreation (Eddington eddies
echo in papyrus
reeds).  He’s US
(a relative, at least) – voice-

breeze through checkerboard fabric.
& Raven, O... her shadow
dove into my gray
memorious blender-alembic –

clouds of milk or milk of clouds
from whence the winking
spectra bee.  Keening
I owe... I owe... Iona sods

& Iowa rows (dappled Columbia).
A stone in the corner of
RI... reunion-trove
fallen from sky.  Cornucopia

plumb with casket (evergreen);
plum turtledove
binding with love
clay child & jealous heaven.


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